EASIUR Online Tool
(Updated: 8/27/2015)
This page provides a simple interface to EASIUR marginal social costs [$/metric ton]. It also helps converting geodetic locations to EASIUR grid. Three methods are provided as follows.
1. For a geodetic location (longitude, latitude)
Enter a geodetic coordinates (longitude, latitude) in NAD83 datum to EASIUR grid (x, y). Longitude comes first because it is more like x.
2. For a U.S. address
Enter an address, and this form fetches its location (longitude, latitude) from Google Earth and converts to EASIUR grid.
3. Batch conversion
Upload a CSV file with a longitude and a latitude on each line (longitude first!), and you will get back a CSV with EASIUR (x, y) and corresponding marginal social costs added on each line.